Post by vahan on Feb 22, 2016 10:18:49 GMT -5
I know Peter Catella (the one in SCR-132) from clips of episodes that his daughter posted on YouTube more than five years ago.
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Post by Deleted on Mar 7, 2016 16:40:08 GMT -5
Update on Christopher Ryan's Scrabble uploads: remember when he was at around 35 or so? Yeah, now he's up to over 130, and they're not all from 1989 (for instance, SCR-132 is from 1984 and SCR-133 is most of the '93 debut). He's also posted a comment in the discussion section of the "SCR-132-133" upload: In case you want to watch all the Scrabble stuff he's been uploading (as I will, eventually), I've put together a playlist here. This is perhaps the most Scrabble episodes provided by a single YouTube user. I will definitely download them for sure. Even better, he may have access to 1984 episodes that USA never aired. He has the premiere (though there is a better quality premiere uploaded by videoarchives1000 already - he's the same user who uploaded rare gems, including an early-1983 Sale of the Century episode from the Sally Julian era, and the premiere is the only Sally Julian era episode on the trading circuit). This is a real treat for Scrabble fans across the board. I will definitely subscribe to Christopher's YouTube channel this evening. If more episodes keep coming, it may even inspire an idea for a future computer game.
Post by nbafan89 on Mar 8, 2016 10:08:26 GMT -5
Update on Christopher Ryan's Scrabble uploads: remember when he was at around 35 or so? Yeah, now he's up to over 130, and they're not all from 1989 (for instance, SCR-132 is from 1984 and SCR-133 is most of the '93 debut). He's also posted a comment in the discussion section of the "SCR-132-133" upload: In case you want to watch all the Scrabble stuff he's been uploading (as I will, eventually), I've put together a playlist here. This is perhaps the most Scrabble episodes provided by a single YouTube user. I will definitely download them for sure. Even better, he may have access to 1984 episodes that USA never aired. He has the premiere (though there is a better quality premiere uploaded by videoarchives1000 already - he's the same user who uploaded rare gems, including an early-1983 Sale of the Century episode from the Sally Julian era, and the premiere is the only Sally Julian era episode on the trading circuit). This is a real treat for Scrabble fans across the board. I will definitely subscribe to Christopher's YouTube channel this evening. If more episodes keep coming, it may even inspire an idea for a future computer game. but I have read that he may not be uploading for a while due to a copyright strike from Sony for his Different Strokes episodes
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Post by Deleted on Mar 8, 2016 16:33:20 GMT -5
^ Well, maybe Mr. Ryan should remove his Sanford & Son episodes and any other non-game shows from YouTube while he has a chance.
Either wsy, i really am glad I downloaded the Scrabble episodes yesterday while I did. If lucky, we probably might see his next upload of Scrabble in September, barring any further strikes.
Post by WarioSajak on Mar 9, 2016 17:34:22 GMT -5
He's already uploaded the rest of his Scrabble collection to his Facebook page. I'm sure they'll eventually get on YouTube, though.
Post by vahan on Mar 9, 2016 17:59:56 GMT -5
He's already uploaded the rest of his Scrabble collection to his Facebook page. I'm sure they'll eventually get on YouTube, though. Where's his Scrabble Facebook page? I don't see that anywhere. I like how some people say Hasbro isn't to blame for the main reason the show isn't airing again. Yes, they are. It is Hasbro's fault, and only Hasbro's fault. Hasbro has no one to blame but themselves.
Post by balozier on Mar 9, 2016 23:54:19 GMT -5
The Chuck Woolery Wheel of Fortune premiere and/or an episode during the Buy a Vowel wedge era Can't do the premiere, but these should be worthwhile just the same...
Post by WarioSajak on Mar 10, 2016 0:59:56 GMT -5
Yeah, unfortunately the 1975 premiere seems to be pretty elusive. I'm sure it'll show up eventually -- it seems a lot of rare things have over the past few years or so. Where's his Scrabble Facebook page? I don't see that anywhere. Here you go. It's kinda weird, in that it's a Facebook page for the show. It's definitely his, though. That said, the videos' posts are kinda deep down, so here's the direct links along with the info I have on 'em (I haven't really watched these, myself, mainly since my computer acted up a few times): Shows 134-135 (former is from 3/85 {pre-Spelling}, latter is from about 9/85 {post-Spelling} and begins during first word of the last Crossword game) Show 136 (1986, Straddling format) Shows 137-138 (former is from 1986 {Straddling format}, latter is from 1988) Shows 139-140 (former is from 1988, latter is from '87) Shows 141-142 (former is a duplicate of SCR-03 {from 2/89}, latter is a Friday episode from 1988) Shows 143-145 (first is from 1989 {begins at second Sprint}, second is from '88 {if you've seen the "Chuck's Big Pet" video on YouTube, this is that episode}, third is from 12/88) Shows 146-147 (two consecutive shows from {if the Facebook comments are any indication} the next-to-last week of the Straddling format in 9/86) Shows 148-149 (two episodes from 1986) Shows 150-151 (Monday and Tuesday of the 1990 Finale Week) Shows 152-153 (Wednesday and Thursday of the 1990 Finale Week) Shows 154-155 (former is the 1990 Finale, latter is the 1984 Pilot) Show 156 (1984 Premiere) Shows 157-158 (two episodes from the 1985 Spelling format) Show 159 (1985 episode from the Spelling format) Show 160 (1985 episode from the Spelling format) Shows 161-162 (former is from 1985 {but not the Spelling format}, latter is from '86) Shows 163-164 (former is from a Game Show Host Week, latter is a 12/88 Teen Week show) Shows 165 (episode of a Celebrity Teen Week) Shows 166-167 (1993 Premiere and Finale) "Show" 168 (the slate for the 1984 Pilot, and Christopher Ryan's last Scrabble upload)
Post by vahan on Mar 10, 2016 1:06:30 GMT -5
Thanks Daniel.
About that latter WOF episode from 1975, Eric Paddon said he was able to slow down the speed. That one was recorded at an abnormally fast speed way back when.
Post by WarioSajak on Mar 10, 2016 1:22:42 GMT -5
Sure thing. As for the 9/5/75 Wheel recording, I don't know very much about restoration or audio specs but I'm not really sure there's any evidence that the original 1975 off-air recording was 6% faster than it should've been. I mean, this thing has been floating around for the better part of 40 years. This is perhaps the most Scrabble episodes provided by a single YouTube user. Oh, definitely. Heck, as far as I can tell he's uploaded more episodes of the 1984-90 series than there were in the trading circuit up to that point. And that's including that bunch of '84 shows that were recorded by Patrick McGuire from their original broadcasts (USA never aired anything before about mid-October; his recordings range from July-September).
Post by balozier on Mar 10, 2016 2:02:23 GMT -5
As for the 9/5/75 Wheel recording, I don't know very much about restoration or audio specs but I'm not really sure there's any evidence that the original 1975 off-air recording was 6% faster than it should've been. I mean, this thing has been floating around for the better part of 40 years. Actually, as the person who gave the tape to the person who did the video restoration work, I can tell you that the speed-up was there on the cassette itself. Neither I nor the uploader were responsible for introducing that defect, so I'd assume it was either a faulty recording in 1975, or was damaged by the time it made its way into the hands of the source I obtained it from.
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Post by Deleted on Mar 29, 2016 17:46:40 GMT -5
Apparently, Christopher Ryan got his copyright strike lifted, as he uploaded the remainder of the Scrabble episodes in his collection. Unfortunately, he re-uploaded some Diff'rent Strokes episodes. But whatever happens, I am glad I downloaded the Scrabbles when I did.
Post by WarioSajak on Mar 29, 2016 20:09:26 GMT -5
Somebody ask for Missing Links?
Post by vahan on Mar 30, 2016 9:03:26 GMT -5
Somebody ask for Missing Links? I remember Jamie Locklin (Page'O Clips) posting an episode with Dick Clark a decade ago. Perhaps this was the same one.
Post by WarioSajak on Mar 30, 2016 18:06:15 GMT -5
I know at least two other episodes exist: the 1963 pilot for the NBC version (which scored with both plus and minus), and the very last episode (or possibly next-to-last; not sure on that) from Christmas '64. I know at least the latter circulates, since GilmoreBox uploaded the intro a while back.